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Oxford Gripper Silicone Tank Grip offers unparalleled grip and protection for motorcycle riders, especially those donning leather gear. Crafted with high-quality 2.5mm silicone construction, these tank grips feature specially designed teeth to firmly grasp onto leather surfaces, ensuring maximum stability and control during rides.
Not only do these tank grips provide exceptional grip, but they also boast resistance against oil, chemicals, and extreme temperatures, making them durable and reliable in various riding conditions. The pre-molded cut lines allow for easy customization, ensuring a perfect fit for your specific bike and riding style.
Equipped with top-quality 3M adhesive, installation is a breeze, and once applied, these grips stay securely in place, protecting your bike's paintwork from scratches and abrasions. Each pack includes two grips, offering comprehensive coverage for both knees.
30-Day Return Window
You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund.
Shipping Costs for Returns
If the return is due to our error (such as receiving an incorrect or defective item), we will cover the return shipping costs.
Refund Timeline
You can generally expect a refund within four weeks of sending your package back. This estimate includes:
How to Return an Item
Worldwide Shipping
We can ship to practically any address in the world. However, please note that some products have shipping restrictions and may not be available for international shipment.
Shipping & Delivery Estimates
When you place an order, we will estimate the shipping and delivery dates based on:
Depending on the shipping provider, these estimates may appear on the shipping quotes page.
Weight-Based Rates
Many items have weight-based shipping rates. The weight is found on each product’s detail page, and shipping companies round up to the next full pound when calculating costs.
Our business model is manufacturing to retail. That is why we can afford to offer better prices without compromising on quality.
We do our best to deliver all orders within 4-6 business days. Most of the orders are delivered within 3 business days.
Sure, you can exchange your product within 30 days of your purchase.
Yes, all our products are CE approved. Buy with confidence.
Yes, we offer product quality guarantee of 6 months. If you find any defect within 6 months of your purchase, we will gladly replace your product.
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