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Nolan X-903 Ultra Carbon Adventure Touring Full Face Motorcycle Helmet Blue Red White
Embark on your touring adventures with the Nolan X-903 Ultra Carbon adventure touring full face motorcycle helmet, a remarkable fusion of sporty aesthetics and innovative technology. Part of Nolan's innovative "fiber range" X-series, this full face helmet is designed to redefine the sport touring experience with its high carbon content, delivering stellar performance and sleek styling.
Its high carbon content construction ensures not only a lightweight and strong structure, but also sets a new standard for road presence and style.
Benefits and Features
High Carbon Craftsmanship - Superior lightweight strength with a distinctive road presence.
Nolan Emergency Release System (NERS) - Quick and safe helmet removal in case of emergency.
N-Com Connectivity - Integrated communication system for a connected and enjoyable ride.
Carbon Racing Experience: Internal padding with active carbon filaments for comfort, thermoregulation and antistatic properties.
Magnetic Visor Assembly (MVA): Hassle-free visor replacement for ease and convenience.
Helmet Type: Nolan - Full Face
Universe: Nolan Full Face
ECE Homologation: Type P
Retention System: Double D Rings
Helmet Communication System: N-Com Ready
Outer Shell Material: Carbon Fiber
Visor: Ultra Wide, Scratch Resistant, MVA
Ventilation: Chin, Top and Air Exhaust.
Additional Features: Removable Comfort "Carbon Connection", NERS, LPC, Breath Deflector
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Many items have weight-based shipping rates. The weight is found on each product’s detail page, and shipping companies round up to the next full pound when calculating costs.
Our business model is manufacturing to retail. That is why we can afford to offer better prices without compromising on quality.
We do our best to deliver all orders within 4-6 business days. Most of the orders are delivered within 3 business days.
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Yes, we offer product quality guarantee of 6 months. If you find any defect within 6 months of your purchase, we will gladly replace your product.
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